Sharepoint Development for Healthcare Industries
Make your patient suffer less, make it chaos free:
Hustle free things are always favored by everyone and especially when they are occupied or stressed. Hospital is a place where people struggle a lot with their emotions and the ongoing process with high-stress level, and the misbalance creates a lot of hustle in the work and that interrupts the workflow for both sides. Be it a light fever and cold issue or some major, rushing to doctors we always look forward to doctors for cure.
When a patient is registered, with a hospital for the first time, a unique patient registration no. is generated. Now, this unique number will be used to retrieve OPD/IPD patient’s complete medical records like billing and patient history.
The long queues keep you waiting; sometimes the unavailability is an addition to the mess. Be it from the status of doctor’s availability to the patient's schedule to rescheduling of the appointments, from doctor’s special visit to any changes to reports of pathology lab all the reports and meeting can be found under one platform.
What if a platform or a proposed technology helps you save so?
AtoZ Infoway produces strategic solution using SharePoint workflow to resolve such issues and getting every detail minutely managed with every single update from all the ends will not only get the work synced but will also help to avoid the mistakes to get repeated on a roll up process over every step.
Key points that are going to escalate the healthcare industry:-
- OPD Management
- Patient management
- Billing Management
- New Doctor training and knowledge sharing
- Department Management
- Pharmacy Management
- Finance Management
- Accounts Management
- Permission management
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